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Herbert C. Hoover Building (HCHB) Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP)

HCHB Occupant Emergency Plan | The Quick Reference Guide is below.

Reporting Emergencies

Call (202) 482-2222 or 911 and provide your name, location, and as much detail as possible.

Reporting Medical Emergencies

  • For life-threatening emergencies, call (202) 482-2222 or 911.
  • For non-life-threatening emergencies, call (202) 482-4088 or go to the Health Unit, Room 60045.

Receiving A Bomb Threat

  • Obtain as much information as possible from the caller and stay on the phone for as long as possible.
  • Solicit assistance from co-workers (if possible) and notify your supervisor and the Security Operation Center at (202) 482-2222.
  • Use a Telephone Bomb Threat Checklist to ascertain as many details from the caller as possible.

Reporting A Fire

  • Call (202) 482-2222 or 911, giving your name, location, and the nature of the fire.
  • If you feel safe in doing so, rescue any person in immediate danger.
  • Locate the nearest fire alarm device and activate it.
  • Confine the fire by closing doors on your way to the nearest exit.
  • Evacuate the building.

HCHB Exits and Evacuation Assembly Areas: (1) The Ellipse, (2) Pershing Park, (3) Ronald Reagan Building fountain.


HCHB Evacuation Assembly Area - (3) Pershing Park


Occupant Response Actions

Smoke, Fire, or Explosion Inside the Building:

  • Evacuate the immediate area.
  • Ensure that the building fire alarm system has been activated.
  • Do not attempt to fight the fire unless you have been trained and feel safe in doing so.
  • If the fire alarm system has been activated, leave the building immediately.
  • Report to your pre-determined “rally point” in your pre-determined “Assembly Area.”
  • Ensure that your supervisor knows that you are out of the building and safe.

Smoke, Fire, or Explosion Outside the Building:

  • If you notice smoke or fire outside, remain in the building unless emergency management personnel provide direction to take other actions.
  • If an explosion occurs, stay away from windows, and move to an interior portion of the building.

Active Shooter Inside the Building:

  • If you are alerted to an active shooter, you should use caution to run, hide, and fight. 
  • Listen for emergency announcements.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Spills or Releases:

  • If the incident is outside, remain inside the building and move to an interior portion of the building. Stay away from windows.
  • If the incident is inside:
    • Evacuate the immediate area.
    • Call (202) 482-2222 or 911 and provide your name, location, and as much information as possible.
    • Alert others not to enter the area. Ask those who were in the area to stay together in a group, keeping their distance from anyone else.
    • Remain (and have others who were in the area) available to give information to first responders.
    • Do not attempt to clean up a spill.

Suspicious Package:

  • Avoid touching or handling the package.
  • Do not use cell phones.
  • Call (202) 482-2222.
  • Report the package to your supervisor.
  • Isolate the package and close off the area by shutting all doors and windows.

Civil Demonstrations or Disturbances Outside of the Building:

  • Move away from the windows and remain inside.
  • Call (202) 482-2222 to report the occurrence.
  • Do not engage in confrontation with demonstrators.
  • If you are outside and cannot gain access to the building, go to a safe location and call your supervisor for guidance.


  • Move away from windows.
  • Drop down onto your hands and knees so the earthquake does not knock you down.
  • Cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris.
  • If you are in danger from falling objects, and you can move safely, crawl towards cover under a sturdy desk or table.
  • If no sturdy cover is nearby, crawl away from windows, next to an interior wall; stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall (i.e. light fixtures or furniture).
  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • After tremors have ceased, await guidance on if it is safe to evacuate the HCHB.
  • Remember that stairwells can be damaged. Exercise extreme caution when using them to evacuate.
  • Move away from buildings, streetlights, sinkholes, and utility wires and proceed to your designated assembly area.

Tornadoes or High Winds:

  • You will be notified of dangerous wind conditions by:
    • The telephone Emergency Broadcast System
    • The building public address system
    • Your supervisor
  • Stay away from windows and follow the guidance given.

Elevator Entrapment:

  • A telephone system is available in each elevator car to contact the security guard desk.
  • Do not force the elevator doors open.
  • Relax and wait for assistance.

Occupant Responsibilities

Occupants of the HCHB have the following responsibilities:

  • Know the emergency procedures in this OEP.
  • Know the locations of exits and fire alarm stations.
  • Notify your supervisor if you have any concerns or issues related to emergency preparedness.
  • As a sponsor, ensure that your visitors are escorted and informed of applicable procedures during emergencies.
  • Follow the instructions of OSY Emergency Response Team members during emergencies.
  • Report to your supervisor, or designee, so you can be accounted for during emergencies.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Supervisors are responsible for the safety and security of their employees. They will:

  • Identify staff that may need additional help or training.
  • Ensure that their staff is aware of emergency procedures and receives necessary training.
  • Establish “rally points” in the pre-identified “Assembly Areas” and instruct staff to report to those areas if an evacuation is ordered.
  • Establish “assembly areas” in the interior portions of the building for their staff to congregate during a shelter-in-place (SIP) event.
  • Establish a mechanism to account for their staff in emergency situations.
  • Report accounting of their staff up their chain of command, and to OSY representatives at designated assembly points

 Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting officer representative are responsible for the safety and security of their contractors and will:

  • Ensure that their contractor(s) are aware of emergency procedures and receives necessary information.
  • Establish an assembly area and for their contractors to congregate during an SIP event.
  • Establish procedures to account for their contractors in emergency situations.

Evacuation Instructions for Occupants with Special Needs

Work with your supervisors and co-workers to establish a workable “buddy” system for your safety during an emergency.

  • Confidentially and voluntarily self-identify with the HCHB Office of Security via CD Form 493.
  • Recruit at least three “buddies” to increase the likelihood of one of them being present.
  • Participate in formulating a plan with your “buddies” that identifies how they will assist you.
  • Exercise your plan with your “buddies.”