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About OSY

As delegated from Department Organization Order 20-6, the OSY director for security:

  • Oversees the Department’s security, continuity and emergency management programs
  • Establishes and monitors the implementation of Departmental policies and procedures for security and emergency management functions affecting program operations in Commerce’s operating units. These functions include physical security, information security, personnel security, communications security, operations security, sensitive compartmented information (SCI) security, investigations, threat management, occupant emergency programs, and continuity of operations/government
  • Coordinates the implementation of government-wide and Departmental security initiatives
  • Manages the Department’s headquarters security services located in the Herbert C. Hoover Building in Washington, D.C.

Nicholas M. Schnare
Director for Security

Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Commerce
Office of Security
1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 1067
Washington, DC 20230

202-482-4371 | Fax: 202-501-6355