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Acquisition Policy

The Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) establishes regulations, policies and guidance for the acquisition community. OAM has consolidated the acquisition regulations, policies, and guidance that shape the acquisition environment within the Department of Commerce into the table below. The table, and the left navigation menu, list the ‘Agency’ and the title of the corresponding policy. Click the name of the document below to access it. 

Agency Title
General Services Administration

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Department of Commerce

Commerce Acquisition Regulations (CAR)

Part 1352 Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses

Office of Management and Budget  OMB Circulars
Office of Management and Budget Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letters
Department of Commerce Commerce Acquisition Directives

Note: This page lists acquisition related directives: Department Organization Orders (DOOs), and Department Administrative Orders (DAOs).
Department of Commerce Commerce Acquisition Manual (CAM)
Department of Commerce Procurement Memoranda
Department of Commerce Handbooks
Department of Commerce Procurement Memoranda, Cancelled