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Federal Assistance Law Division (FALD)

The Federal Assistance Law Division (FALD) assists the Commerce Department with all legal services associated with federal assistance. FALD provides comprehensive legal guidance and advisory services to the Department's Grants Officers and program officials to support the establishment and implementation of the Department's financial assistance programs. FALD's legal services include providing statutory interpretation, assistance with the development of grant program regulations, review and clearance of all Notices of Funding Opportunity, and review of grant awards. Counsel also is rendered to the Grants Office staff on award documents and amendments, administrative matters, disputes, suspensions, terminations, cost disallowances, audit resolution, and audit appeals. FALD is the legal advisor to the non-procurement Debarring Official for financial assistance-related suspensions and debarments. FALD similarly counsels the Department's Grants Management Division to facilitate the establishment of Department-wide financial assistance policies and procedures and implementation of financial assistance guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget. FALD represents the Department in all federal assistance matters before the Government Accountability Office and serves as co-counsel to the Department of Justice in litigation involving claims under grants, cooperative agreements, loan guarantees and subsidies.


anonymous person portrait

Percy Robinson, Chief, Federal Assistance Law Division


Phone: 202-482-8035