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DOO 35-2B

Effective Date:



.01 This Order prescribes the organization and assignment of functions within the Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau).

.02 This revision documents the abolishment of the Government Trade Management Division and the transition of responsibilities related to the Freedom of Information Act from the Chief Administrative Officer to the Chief of Staff.


The principal organization structure and lines of authority shall be as depicted in the attached organization chart (Exhibit 1).


.01 The Director determines policies and directs the programs of the Census Bureau, considering applicable legislative requirements and the needs of users of statistical information. The Director is responsible for the conduct of the activities of the Census Bureau and for coordinating its statistical programs and activities with those of other Federal statistical agencies with due recognition of the programs developed and regulations issued by the Office of Management and Budget.

.02 The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in the direction of the Census Bureau and shall perform the functions and duties of the Director in the event the latter is unable to perform the duties of the office, or in the event of a vacancy in the office.

.03 The Chief of Staff provides direct support to the Deputy Director in administering the overall operations of the Census Bureau; responsible for assuring the offices of the Census Bureau comply with the policy directives and objectives of the Under Secretary of Economic Affairs and the Secretary of Commerce; speaks on behalf of the Deputy Director in planning and coordinating broad and highly complex projects that cross organizational lines, and provides high-level, technical related to administrative operations, economic and demographic surveys and censuses, and resolves major policy and program operation issues.

.04 The Office of Program, Performance and Stakeholder Integration shall serve as the enterprise's project management office, external liaison, strategic planning and evaluation arm, and Bureau integrator; advises and assists the agency leadership to ensure that the mission and goals of the agency are achieved through strategic and performance planning, measurement, cost estimation, analysis, regular assessment of progress, and the use of performance information to improve results; manages an enterprise risk management framework that provides internal oversight for the Deputy Director related to the performance, risk, and effectiveness of Census Bureau programs; manages an investment review process to review, authorize, and monitor the performance of programs within the Census Bureau portfolio; distributes standardized policy and guidance related to portfolio and project management, program evaluation, and risk management and monitors program and project performance; improves the data-driven decision making capability of program, portfolio, and organizational managers by guiding the development of credible and defensible cost estimates and providing timely and accurate activity based management data; enhance and maintain effective strategic partnerships and outreach with stakeholders; and guides the development of enterprise programs so that they meet Census-wide needs, standards, and strategies and facilitates the use of enterprise programs by stakeholders.

.05 The Equal Employment Opportunity Office shall provide guidance and assistance to Census Bureau officials in Equal Employment Opportunity matters, and shall plan and direct the Census Bureaus Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action programs consistent with Departmental guidance and policies as delegated by the Director, Office of Civil Rights.

.06 The Chief Financial Officer shall oversee the implementation of the Chief Financial Officers Act, the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act, and Government Performance and Results Act, including the preparation of audited financial statements and performance measures for Census Bureau activities; and overseeing financial management services, complementary with such services provided at the Departmental level, to all components of the Census Bureau.

.07 The Chief Administrative Officer shall provide human resources and administrative services; implement the Freedom of Information Act complementary with such services provided at the Departmental level, to all components of the Census Bureau.

.08 The Chief Information Officer shall plan, direct, and implement the utilization of information technology (IT) resources, including capital planning and investment analyses, the IT operating plan and budget, as well as IT acquisition strategy and performance measures; shall coordinate with the Departments Chief Information Officer, as required under the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), on items such as budget and IT acquisitions; shall be responsible for ensuring and providing supporting infrastructure, IT security, planning and directing programs for IT operations for telecommunications services; oversee the total systems environment of the Census Bureau; enforce comprehensive Census Bureau-wide IT policies and standards; serve as the senior Information Resources Management official; and advise the Office of the Director in these fields.


The Office of the Associate Director for Communications shall report to the Director of the Census Bureau and coordinate his or her activities with the Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, the Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Departmental Office of Public Affairs, as appropriate. The Associate Director for Communications shall provide Congressional liaison service, be responsible for the overall public information program of the Census Bureau, and serve as the primary liaison for the Census Bureau with the Department and with other government agencies on public affairs matters; and shall have and direct the staff elements and offices described below:

.01 The Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs shall advise on all Congressional matters regarding the Census Bureau's activities and serve as the primary point of coordination for maintaining liaison on such activities with the Congress, State, Local, and Tribal governments in collaboration with the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs and the Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.

.02 The Public Information Office shall develop information programs and perform clearance reviews for the release of information disseminated by the Census Bureau, primarily through the evolving 24/7 national news media cycle and other external and internal communications networks; manage public affairs matters regarding the release of Census Bureau data and information; provide media relations training and support to Census Bureau spokespersons; and develop, maintain and implement a communications strategy for sharing information internally with Census Bureau staff or externally with the media.

.03 The Center for New Media and Promotion shall work in close collaboration with the Information Technology Directorate towards developing state of the art data dissemination tools, data animation, and data integration. Coordinates, develops and implements integrated communications and promotional campaigns with consistent messaging and branding about the Census Bureau through the effective use of advertising, public relations and marketing. Explore new ways of communicating through social media and evolving communications channels, as well as harnessing developing technologies for displaying and communicating statistical information and data.

.04 The Customer Liaison and Marketing Services Office shall ensure two-way communication between customer groups and the Census Bureau and facilitate access to and use of data collected by the Census Bureau. Leads the development of products and services valued in the marketplace and continually strengthens the Census Bureaus customer orientation. Supports data dissemination, conference planning and coordination, data product distribution, and data user training and communication. Establishes and maintains National, governmental, non-governmental, and corporate decennial partnerships.


The Office of the Associate Director for Field Operations shall direct programs of field data collection and pre-computer processing operations, and user information; and be responsible for and direct the following units:

.01 The National Processing Center, located in Jeffersonville, Indiana, shall conduct statistical processing operations for assigned current and special surveys or censuses. Provide related administrative and logistics services for assigned programs. Exercise such authority in personnel and other management areas as is specifically delegated. Administer a personal census service to furnish information about individuals as reflected by census records, as provided by law.

.02 The Field Division shall plan, organize, coordinate, and conduct the Census Bureau's field data collection program; maintain and administer a flexible field organization through the regional offices and temporary district and other branch or area offices; and provide for the effective deployment of field personnel for the efficient conduct of data collection at the local level. The principal field structure of the Census Bureau shall consist of Regional Offices, each headed by a Regional Director who shall report to the Chief of the Field Division.

a. Each Regional Office shall perform assigned field data collection programs, including recurring and special sample surveys of varying sizes and complexity, periodic censuses, and special censuses and surveys.

b. Temporary district or other subordinate offices shall be established under the Regional Offices, as required for a specific census or special survey.


The Office of the Associate Director for Economic Programs shall plan and direct the economic statistical programs and advise the Office of the Director in these fields; and have and direct the following units:

.01 The Economic Management Division shall provide operational direction for the planning and conduct of censuses and surveys and their associated programs. Supports project management and operational process improvement activities across the directorate. Develops systems requirements and processing procedures to conduct censuses and surveys. Identifies requirements and provides support in the development of data collection, data processing, and data dissemination tools.

.02 The Economic Applications Division shall support and improve survey and census programs in the Economic Directorate through the development and implementation of sound information technology programming and methods. Seeks to ensure that development and production applications as well as computer programs and systems are consistently secured and maintained, broadly understood, follow enterprise standards, and are implemented in all economic areas.

.03 The Economic Indicators Division shall provide overall direction for the planning and conduct of economic indicator and associated programs. Provides subject matter expertise for executing the economic indicator programs, including related non-indicator annual, quarterly, and monthly surveys. Plans content; conducts data analysis; and determines, develops, and disseminates approved data products. Conducts analytical research; prepares and disseminates analytical reports and special studies; and is responsible for interacting with data users and respondents.

.04 The Economy-Wide Statistics Division shall provide overall direction for the planning and conduct of economic census and survey programs. Provides subject matter expertise for executing the survey and census programs. Plans content; compiles and conducts data analysis; and determines, develops, and disseminates approved data products. Conducts analytical research; prepares and disseminates analytical reports and special studies; and is responsible for interacting with data users and respondents.

.05 The Economic Reimbursable Surveys Division shall provide overall direction for the planning and conduct of the reimbursable programs within the Economic Directorate. Provides subject matter expertise for executing the reimbursable surveys programs. Plans content; conducts data analysis; and determines, develops, and approves data products. Conducts analytical research; prepares analytical reports and special studies; and interacts with survey sponsors, data users, and respondents.

.06 The Economic Statistical Methods Division shall provide expertise in statistical and survey methods for survey and census programs in the Economic Directorate. Conducts research to support the Economic Directorates programs and other Census Bureau initiatives. Manages the address frames for the economic census and survey programs and is responsible for the acquisition, processing, and evaluation of existing and new administrative data sources in support of these frames. Develops standard classification definitions, assists with implementation to ensure consistency across the directorate, and regularly evaluates and updates the classification definitions to reflect changing business models in the economy.


The Office of the Associate Director for Demographic Programs shall plan and direct the current and special social, demographic, and international statistical programs; provide for overall plans and programs for the periodic social and demographic programs; advise the Office of the Director in these fields; provide, at the request of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and of countries participating in the USAID program, short and long-term consultation services; and have and direct the following units:

.01 The Demographic Systems Division shall plan and develop systems and prepare computer programs for the processing of applicable data for specified current and special surveys; and conducts survey processing activities on household surveys for other agencies.

.02 The Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division shall compile, analyze, and publish timely, accurate, and relevant data and information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of the Nations population.

.03 The Demographic Statistical Methods Division shall provide statistical, technological, and survey expertise to ensure demographic data integrity by designing and developing timely, cost-effective survey samples; developing estimation and analytical methods; measuring and controlling total survey error; and ensuring compliance with quality standards.

.04 The Population Division shall develop overall plans and programs for the collection and processing of U.S. population and housing census counts, as well as international census and survey data; develops plans for and reviews data collection and processing on basic demographic characteristics of the population; prepares estimates and projections of the population and housing units for the United States, and of the population for all other countries of the world; and conducts and publishes analyses of population groups, patterns, trends, and geographic distribution.


The Office of the Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs shall direct and provide planning and coordination for decennial censuses; and direct the following staff elements and units:

.01 The Decennial Information Technology Division, serves as a centralized office for most Decennial directorate IT related functions specific to the business areas in the directorate. This includes application development and operations, infrastructure coordination, quality assurance and independent validation and verification (IV&V), data dissemination, and systems engineering and integration activities (e.g., configuration management, requirements management, and IT Directorate Liaison).

.02 The Decennial Contracts Execution Office shall manage the implementation of major decennial census contracts; ensures continuity with ongoing contract work in support of decennial division and offices.

.03 The Geography Division shall plan, coordinate, and administer all geographic and cartographic activities needed to facilitate the Census Bureau's statistical programs throughout the United States and its territories; manages the Census Bureau's programs to continuously update the addresses, features, boundaries, and geographic entities in its nationwide, automated geographic support system; conducts research into geographic concepts, methods, and standards needed to facilitate the Census Bureau's data collection and data dissemination programs; develops criteria to identify geographic entities needed for reporting statistical data where no legal entity exists; devises systems and methodologies to provide specialized maps, geographic reports, and geographic data for publication and electronic dissemination; represents the geographic, cartographic, and geospatial responsibilities of the Census Bureau within the federal government; provides expert advice on geographic and cartographic methods and practices appropriate for statistical programs; and coordinates partnership activities with tribal, state, and local governments to acquire the most authoritative geospatial data and to share feedback as part of the collaboration.

.04 The Decennial Census Management Division shall serve as the centralized management office responsible for planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Decennial Census Program, including oversight and management for the schedule, scope, and costs at both the program and project levels, and monitoring readiness of all internally and externally provided systems needed by the decennial census; ensures all aspects of program management are in place for all decennial operations and special enumeration operations; nonresponse operations and evaluations; infrastructure; self-response, Puerto Rico/Island area enumeration and content/data products; operations and systems integration.

.05 The Decennial Statistical Studies Division shall coordinate, develop, and implement mathematical statistical techniques in the design and conduct of the American Community Survey (ACS) and decennial censuses; researches and tests methods for alternate sample design and selection, data collection, processing, quality control, the use of administrative records, questionnaire content, estimation, imputation, and variance estimation; plans, designs, and manages the post enumeration survey operations to measure coverage of the decennial census, including the design and implementation of automated data collection instruments and matching methodology to identify duplicates; provides expert advice on statistical methodology and survey methodology for the Decennial Directorate.

.06 The American Community Survey Office shall provide the overall program management of the American Community Survey (ACS) including the planning, implementing, and monitoring of the production activities in addition to the research and evaluation efforts; provides detailed demographic, economic, social and housing characteristics for small geographic areas and small population groups on a continual basis; coordinates with the subject matters areas that are responsible for the sample design, data collection operations, data processing activities, and dissemination of the data as well as outreach and promotional efforts; works with Federal Agencies to ensure that the ACS meets their data and information needs so they can effectively manage their programs; provides education opportunities to a wide-range of audiences, such as members of Congress, federal, state, local and tribal officials, professional associations, media, data users, and the general public, about the ACS.


The Office of the Associate Director for Research and Methodology shall plan and direct programs relating to the statistical adequacy of proposed collections and the application of appropriate statistical methodology and techniques; conduct long-range studies on the basic problems of measurement of social and economic phenomena; provide research and consulting facilities specifically for psychological and behavioral science factors; advise the Office of the Director in these fields; and have and direct the following units:

.01 The Center for Statistical Research and Methodology shall conduct research on statistical design, modeling and analysis methods for the Census Bureaus data collection and dissemination programs, in collaboration with colleagues in the Research and Methodology Directorate, other directorates, and outside researchers; collaborate with statisticians and subject-matter specialists throughout the Census Bureaus directorates on appropriate statistical design and analysis methods, and the solution of operational problems that have statistical aspects; and in collaboration with program staff, develop statistical software to implement new statistical design and analysis methods and advise on appropriate application of these methods.

.02 The Center for Economic Studies shall conduct research on economic and allied social science topics; advise relevant Census Bureau census, survey, and administrative records programs on the use of econometric modeling for improving economic and social measurement. Develops and implements new record linkage and statistical methods, while ensuring confidentiality of combined data from administrative records, censuses, and surveys to create and publish new, or enhanced, demographic and socioeconomic products and services; coordinate the development of products to provide uniformity across all data and information releases and serves as the customer point of contact for demographic information services; conduct applied research; publish or assist others in the preparation of analytic reports; and support the Census Bureaus strategic research and enhancement of operations.

.03 The Center for Enterprise Dissemination shall assure that the Census Bureau can effectively disseminate the maximum amount of high-quality data about the Nations people and economy while fully meeting the Census Bureaus legal and ethical obligation to protect the confidentiality of respondents and the information they provide; The Center will achieve this goal through ongoing research in disclosure risk analysis and reduction (sponsored by or conducted by the Census Bureau) and implementation of state of the art techniques in disclosure risk reduction for data files disseminated by the Census Bureau; research new and improved disclosure avoidance methods and new methods to disseminate Census Bureau data products. When new techniques are discovered either by that research or by other research, the Center will guide their implementation, in production activities at the Census Bureau.

.04 The Center for Behavioral Science Methods shall advise relevant Census Bureau survey and census programs in the formulation, planning, general direction and review of broad methodological research programs; provides technical leadership and support to the Census Bureau in the design and pretesting of questionnaires and instruments for censuses and surveys, with a focus on non-sampling and measurement errors, especially those related to psychological, sociological, linguistic and anthropological factors; provides expert advice on questionnaire construction, question wording and placement, usability, cross-cultural measurement, and methodological issues related to measurement of social and economic phenomena; applies behavioral science methods to improve comprehension and accessibility of data products; provides technical leadership and support to the Census Bureau on the effective use of paradata and emerging methods for assessing the quality of measurement in data collection.

.05 The Center for Optimization and Data Science shall lead the effort to increase survey efficiency by researching, designing, and building an enterprise-wide family of tools that enables the use of empirical data to facilitate intelligent business decisions prior to, and during, data collection. Leads the effort to research and develop a family of data analytic algorithms and software. Responsible for data management and provisioning data for approved projects.

SECTION 10. EFFECT ON OTHER ORDERS. This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 35-2B, dated May 13, 2021.

Signed by: Director, Bureau of the Census; Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Approved by: Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Director, Office of Financial Management Performing the Non-exclusive Functions and Duties of the Chief Financial Officer


Regional Office Decennial Boundaries Map