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DOO 35-2A

Effective Date:



.01 This Order delegates authority to the Director of the Census and prescribes the functions of the Bureau of the Census.

.02 The revision incorporates outstanding amendments and, as necessary, updates provisions covering delegations of authority (Section 3.), and the statement of functions (Section 4.). Amendment 1 dated August 4, 1988, transfers from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to the Bureau of the Census authority to conduct the Plant and Equipment Survey through May 1, 1990. At that time, authority for conducting the Survey will appear under Title 13 U.S.C., instead of the current Title 15 U.S.C., and this DOO must be changed; and Amendment 2 dated February 16, 2001, reserves with the Secretary final decision-making authority in connection with the 2000 Decennial Census related to the final determination regarding the methodology to be used in calculating the tabulations of population reported to States and localities pursuant to section 141(c) of Title 13 of the United States Code.


.01 The Bureau of the Census, established by the Act of March 6, 1902 (32 Stat. 51), is a primary operating unit of the Department of Commerce.

.02 The Director of the Census (the "Director"), who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the head of the Bureau. The Director shall report and be responsible to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs.

.03 The Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Director who shall perform the functions of the Director during the former's absence.


.01 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Commerce by law, including Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1950 and 15 U.S.C. 1516, the Director is hereby delegated authority to perform functions vested in the Secretary of Commerce under:

a. Title 13, U.S.C., except the Secretary retains final decision-making authority in connection with the 2000 Decennial Census related to the final determination regarding the methodology to be used in calculating the tabulations of population reported to States and localities pursuant to section 141(c) of Title 13 of the United States Code.

b. Section 1516 of Title 15 U.S.C., regarding the gathering and distribution of statistical information applicable to the functions assigned therein;

c. Section 904 of Executive Order 11490, as amended, which directs the Secretary to provide for the collection and reporting of census information on the status of human and economic resources, including population, housing, agriculture, manufacture, mineral

industries, business, transportation, foreign trade, construction, and governments, as required for emergency planning purposes; and otherwise plan for and maintain a capability for damage assessment purposes, as set forth therein; and

d. Sections 282, 410, and 608 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, (Public Law 93-618, 88 Stat. 1978; 19 U.S.C. 2393, 2440, and 1484(e), respectively), which require the Secretary, in cooperation with other government agencies, to provide, monitor, or coordinate certain trade information and to provide import and export statistics to Congress and the International Trade Commission. Section 608 amends section 484(e) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1484(e)) to provide for the establishment of uniform statistical data on imports, exports, and production. The functions under the Trade Act of 1974 shall be carried out in close coordination with the Under Secretary for International Trade. Any regulations established to carry out functions under the Act and reports to be submitted to the Congress are to be issued by the Secretary.

e. Section 175 et seq. of Title 15 U.S.C. for the purpose of gathering data on plant and equipment expenditures for the Plant and Equipment Survey only, through May 1, 1990.

.02 The Director may exercise other authorities of the Secretary as applicable to performing the functions assigned in this Order.

.03 The Director may delegate the authorities prescribed by this Order to any employee of the Bureau subject to conditions in the exercise of such authority as the Director may prescribe.


The Bureau of the Census shall perform the following functions:

a. In cooperation with business and industry, Government, and other public or private organizations, conduct censuses and surveys and otherwise collect, process, and analyze statistical data regarding the social and economic activities and characteristics of the population and enterprises of the United States or other areas prescribed by law, and publish and disseminate the resulting statistics for use by business, Government agencies, and the public;

b. Conduct special statistical studies on domestic and foreign trade, business services, industry, transportation, construction, agriculture, population and housing, and on Federal, State and local governments; and, based thereon, issue reports, special tabulations and monographs;

c. Conduct statistical and other research and development activities to improve the quality and lower costs of censuses and surveys, and achieve more effective censuses and surveys; and

d. Maintain a statistical directory of establishments engaged in economic activity in the United States, which also is intended for use by other Federal agencies for statistical purposes. Preserve the confidentiality of information obtained by the Bureau from other Federal agencies, as deemed appropriate or as required by law.


.01 This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 35-2A, dated August 4, 1975, as amended.

.02 All rules, regulations, orders, determinations, authorizations, contracts, grants, agreements, and other action issued, undertaken or entered into by or for the Bureau of the Census shall remain in full force and effect until they expire in due course or are revoked or amended by appropriate authority. Signed by: Secretary of Commerce