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Number: DOO 30-2B
Effective Date:



.01          This Order prescribes the organization and assignment of functions within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The scope of authority and functions are in Department Organization Order 30-2A.

.02          This revision: 

a.          Establishes the Office of Advanced Manufacturing (OAM);

b.          Transfers the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) functions to the Physical Measurement Laboratory and abolishes CNST as an organizational unit; and

c.          Re-describes the offices so that the functions and duties currently applicable to each are listed.


The organization structure and line of authority of NIST is depicted in the attached organization chart (Exhibit 1).


.01       The Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Under Secretary and Director) determines the policies and priorities of NIST and directs the development and execution of its scientific, technical, innovation, industrial and administrative programs within the guidelines set by the Secretary of Commerce.

The Under Secretary and Director is supported by:

a.          the Associate Director for Laboratory Programs (ADLP);

b.          the Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services (ADIIS); and

c.          the Associate Director for Management Resources (ADMR).

In addition, the Under Secretary and Director is supported by the Chief of Staff, whose function is to advise and provide extensive professional assistance and recommendations on issues before the Under Secretary and Director and provides overall senior management team coordination.

.02          The Associate Director for Laboratory Programs shall assist the Under Secretary and Director in the direction of NIST and perform the functions and duties of the Under Secretary and Director, in the event the Under Secretary and Director is unable to perform his or her duties, or during a vacancy in the office. The ADLP shall provide direction and operational guidance for the scientific and technical mission-focused laboratory programs of NIST; serve as lead for program and budget development for laboratory programs; coordinate interagency and outreach activities; and represent NIST and the laboratory programs to external audiences. The ADLP shall have ultimate line management responsibility for the provision of measurement services that meet the needs of industry, academia, and other government offices; and also has overall responsibility for policies and procedures to prevent the inappropriate release or transfer of controlled technology to foreign nations (actual or deemed) and to control NIST equipment and technology subject to U.S. export control laws, regulations and policies.

.03          The Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services shall assist the Under Secretary and Director as the principal executive and advisor to the Under Secretary and Director on all matters related to NIST’s innovation and industry services programs. The ADIIS shall provide programmatic development and direction; exercises policy formulation, technical guidance, oversight, and monitoring; and oversees budget development for the extramural grant and Federal assistance programs for innovation and industry. The ADIIS has overall responsibility for NIST’s economic analysis, small business innovation research, and technology transfer programs, including reporting on technology transfer activities pursuant to NIST’s government-wide policy responsibilities. The ADIIS coordinates NIST’s interagency and outreach activities for innovation policy and industry services programs and serves as the primary liaison on such matters with the Department of Commerce, other federal agencies, and state and local governments.

.04          The Associate Director for Management Resources shall assist the Under Secretary and Director in the direction of NIST and serve as the Chief Operating Officer in managing and carrying out the administrative and technical infrastructure and support programs essential for daily operations throughout NIST. The ADMR is responsible for the delivery of efficient and effective operation services including safety and security; financial management; acquisition and agreements management; human resources management; information technology management; facilities management; and other administrative services critical to supporting the scientific research programs and innovation and industry-focused programs.


.01       The Material Measurement Laboratory (MML) shall serve as the national reference laboratory for measurements in the chemical, biological, and material sciences through activities ranging from fundamental and applied research, to the development and dissemination of certified reference materials, critically evaluated data, and other programs/tools to assure the quality of measurement results. The MML is also responsible for coordinating the NIST-wide Standard Reference Materials and Standard Reference Data Programs.

.02       The Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) shall develop and disseminate the national standards of length, mass, force and shock, acceleration, time and frequency, electricity, temperature, humidity, pressure and vacuum, liquid and gas flow, and electromagnetic, acoustic, ultrasonic, and ionizing radiation through activities ranging from fundamental measurement research to provision of measurement services, including calibration services, standards, and data. PML shall utilize the measurement expertise in these areas to advance technologies and promote U.S. competitiveness, including quantum information, advanced sensing, and fundamental science. PML is responsible for coordinating the NIST-wide Calibrations and Weights and Measures Programs and shall operate the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) as a national, shared-use facility for nanoscale fabrication and measurement to support researchers from industry, academia, NIST, and other government agencies in nanoscale technology.

.03       The Engineering Laboratory (EL) shall promote the development and dissemination of advanced manufacturing and construction technologies, guidelines, and services to the U.S. manufacturing and construction industries through activities including measurement science research, development of performance metrics, tools and methodologies for engineering applications, and supporting standards and codes development. EL has specific responsibilities in fire prevention and control; national earthquake hazards reduction; national windstorm impact reduction; and national construction safety.

.04       The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) shall develop and disseminate standards, measurements, and testing for interoperability, security, usability, and reliability of information systems, including cybersecurity standards and guidelines for Federal agencies and U.S. industry, supporting these and measurement science at NIST through fundamental and applied research in computer science, mathematics and statistics.

.05       The Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL) promotes the development and deployment of advanced communications technologies through the conduct of leading edge research and development on both the metrology and understanding of physical phenomena, materials capabilities, complex systems relevant to advanced communications; and through the conduct of research targeted at supporting a multi-level testbed facility, including the development of precision instrumentation, validated test-protocols, models, and simulation tools necessary to support the testing and validation of new communications technologies.

.06       The NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) shall operate a national user facility providing neutron-based measurement capabilities to U.S. researchers from industry, academia, NIST, and other government agencies in support of materials research, neutron imaging, chemical analysis, neutron standards, dosimetry, and radiation metrology.


.01       The Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program is responsible for the creation and support of a national network of centers whose objective is to enhance the productivity and technological performance of U.S. manufacturers. In addition, MEP shall provide technical assistance to state technology programs that help businesses enhance their competitiveness through the application of science and technology.

.02       The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (BPEP) is responsible for managing the Presidential Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award as stated in Public Law 100-107, in cooperation with senior U.S. business, education, health care, and nonprofit performance and quality leaders.

.03       The Office of Advanced Manufacturing (OAM) supports NIST extramural programs and activities in advanced manufacturing and oversees NIST-sponsored Manufacturing USA institutes. OAM is the program office for Manufacturing USA, which coordinates and supports a national network of manufacturing innovation institutes and hosts the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office for interagency coordination of federal activities in advanced manufacturing.


.01       The Office of Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE), headed by the Chief Safety Health and Environment Officer (CSHEO), is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining a robust, integrated, comprehensive, and risk-based management system for safety, health, and environmental programs for NIST. In addition, OSHE provides safety and environmental management related services and expertise to NIST operational units.

.02       The Office of Financial Resource Management (OFRM), headed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), is responsible for the overall budget and financial management activities relating to the programs and operations of NIST, as well as the client bureaus serviced by NIST. In addition, OFRM develops and maintains an integrated accounting and financial management system which complies with all applicable Department, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Treasury and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board regulations, policies, and requirements. OFRM also develops programs to deter fraud, waste, and abuse of government resources and assists NIST operational units with implementation of appropriate internal controls.

.03       The Office of Acquisition and Agreements Management (OAAM), headed by the Director, Office of Acquisition and Agreements Management (DOAAM), oversees the full range of acquisition and financial assistance activities relating to the programs and operations of NIST, as well as client bureaus serviced by NIST, including contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and other fellowships, in accordance with Department policies and Federal procurement regulations. The DOAAM serves as NIST’s Bureau Procurement Official and works with the NIST operational units to ensure implementation of innovative business models, processes and practices related to acquisition and agreements management across NIST.

.04       The Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM), headed by the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), is responsible for developing and implementing policy and operational procedures in recruitment, development, performance, recognition and compensation, supporting the workforce employment cycle. In addition, OHRM provides advice and services to NIST operational units in support of human resources management and workforce planning efforts.

.05       The Office of Information Systems Management (OISM), headed by the Chief Information Officer (CIO), is responsible for planning, directing, implementing, and establishing NIST-wide policy governing the effective, efficient, and secure utilization of information technology (IT) and telecommunications resources, including IT acquisition strategy and performance measures. In addition, OISM is responsible for providing appropriate IT and telecommunications infrastructure and services in support of NIST mission and programs.

.06       The Office of Facilities and Property Management (OFPM), headed by the Chief Facilities Management Officer (CFMO), is responsible for planning and implementing safe and reliable management and operations of NIST facilities and for providing cost-effective and efficient services and infrastructure programs essential for NIST’s operations at all sites, ensuring maximum responsiveness to the needs of NIST’s technical programs. OFPM facility activities and services include: space and real property management; facilities planning; building design, construction and renovation; building system operation, maintenance and repair; central plant operation and utility distribution services; grounds maintenance; janitorial services; oversight and support for NIST construction grants; facilities support services including mail, reproduction, transportation, visual communications; and logistics and personal property management.


This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 30-2B, dated June 10, 2016.

Signed by: Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology

Approved by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration