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DOO 25-5

Effective Date:


Exhibit 1: NOAA Organization Chart

Exhibit 1: NOAA Organization Chart - Accessible Text Description


.01       This Order prescribes the organization, management structure, and assignment of functions within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  The scope of authority and functions of NOAA are set forth in Department Organization Order 10-15.

.02       This revision:

a.          Streamlines the duties and function descriptions throughout.

b.         Transfers the Office of Communications and External Affairs, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Education, Office of International Affairs, and Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology from the Principal Deputy Under Secretary to the Chief of Staff (Section 4).

c.         Abolishes the Principal Deputy Under Secretary; the Office of Policy; the Office Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships; and the Office of Program Planning and Evaluation.

d.         Removes from the DOO the Office of Military Affairs and Program Coordination Office.

e.         Moves the Office of Decision Coordination and Executive Secretariat into the Deputy Under Secretary for Operations.

f.          Moves the Office of Program Planning and Integration to Section 5 as a staff office, and the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations moved to Section 11 (as a Line Office equivalent); both still report to the Deputy Under Secretary for Operations and are budgeted through Program Support.


The organizational structure of NOAA shall be as depicted in the attached organization chart (Exhibit 1).


.01          The Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of NOAA formulates policies and programs for achieving the objectives of NOAA and has the authority for program execution.

02          The Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator.  Under the direct supervision of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator, the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator will provide agency-wide direction with regard to fisheries and coastal programs consistent with Administration priorities.  This position will provide direct oversight for the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Fisheries and Assistant Administrator for Fisheries; and work with the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Observation and Prediction/Deputy Administrator and Chief Scientist to ensure integration of activities, functions, information, products, and services across NOAA. 

a.           The Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Fisheries shall be a key advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator on international fisheries policy and negotiation matters.  This position complies with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (MSRA), P.L. 109-479, Sec. 408; 16 U.S.C. 1891d. 

.03         The Assistant Secretary for Environmental Observation and Prediction/Deputy Administrator.  Under the direct supervision of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator, the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Observation and Prediction/Deputy Administrator will provide agency-wide direction with regard to weather, water, climate, and ocean observations and forecasts consistent with Administration priorities.  This position will work with the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator and Chief Scientist to ensure integration of activities, functions, information, products, and services across NOAA.

.04         The Chief Scientist.  Under the direct supervision of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator, the Chief Scientist will provide agency-wide direction with regard to science policy and research consistent with Administration priorities.  This position will work with the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management/Deputy Administrator and the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Observation and Prediction/Deputy Administrator as a team to ensure integration of activities, functions, information, products, and services across NOAA. 

.05         The Deputy Under Secretary for Operations shall be responsible for ensuring the timely and effective implementation of directives from the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator and manage and direct the daily operations of NOAA through oversight of NOAA’s line and staff offices, Office of Decision Coordination and Executive Secretariat.

.06         The Chief of Staff shall report to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator and be charged with the responsibility for insuring the formulation and implementation of Administration policies and programs will serve as the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator’s principal advisor.

.07         The Office of General Counsel shall provide legal advice and counsel to the Office of the Under Secretary, Assistant Administrators, and Program/Staff Office Directors and their staffs, in coordination with the Department’s Office of General Counsel.


.01         The Office of Communications and External Affairs shall provide advice and counsel to the Office of the Under Secretary, Assistant Administrators, and Program/Staff Office Directors and their staffs on media, constituent, and intergovernmental relations. 

.02         The Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs shall provide advice and counsel to the Office of the Under Secretary, Assistant Administrators, and Program/Staff Office Directors and their staffs, and coordinate all NOAA contacts with Congress.  The Office shall also be responsible for the planning, direction, and coordination of legislative and intergovernmental programs that are of immediate concern to the Office of the Under Secretary. 

.03         The Office of Education shall provide advice and counsel to the Office of the Under Secretary and the Department on matters dealing with education. 

.04         The Office of International Affairs shall provide advice and counsel to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator on international policy issues; coordinate NOAA’s international programs; and carry out, as directed by the Office of the Under Secretary, tasks of special interest related to international activities.

.05         The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology shall ensure federal coordination functions for the Department in response to Section 304 of Public Law 87-843, The Appropriations Act for State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies.


.01         The Acquisition and Grants Office shall provide a full range of support services throughout NOAA for procurement and grants management, and serve as the focal point for the administration of NOAA’s program for ensuring compliance with federal, Departmental, and NOAA regulations. 

.02         The Office of the Chief Administrative Officer shall provide policy, staff support, and services through NOAA in the areas of real property, facilities, environmental compliance, occupational safety and health, emergency preparedness, information systems, equal employment opportunity, records and directives management, and audit and internal control activities including all Government Accountability Office or Office of Inspector General audits of NOAA’s activities. 

.03         The Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall provide policy and staff support in the areas of budget formulation and execution, resource management, financial systems development and operations, and financial accounting to NOAA components and other Department of Commerce bureaus. 

.04         The Office of the Chief Information Officer and High Performance Computing and Communications implements the provisions of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, the Data Quality Act, High Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991 and other directives regarding the acquisition, management, security, and use of information technology (IT) resources. The OCIO coordinates and implements plans, programs, and policies regarding homeland security and the requirements, management, and use of radio frequencies Department-wide. 

.05         The Workforce Management Office shall serve as the focal point for developing and monitoring the implementation of human resources management, organization management, and diversity management policies and programs throughout NOAA and for the administration of NOAA payroll activities.  The Office provides oversight of the NOAA Commissioned Corps.

.06         The Office of Program Planning and Integration (PPI) shall provide advice and counsel to achieve NOAA’s goals through policy development, planning, and monitoring of appropriate agency policies and plans. 


.01         The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries shall be responsible for an integrated NOAA living marine resources program and be Director of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).  The NOAA living marine resources program shall promote the conservation, management, and sustainable use of living marine resources for commercial and recreational use.  The program shall include services and products to support the administration of NOAA’s fisheries management operations; international fisheries management obligations; constituent services activities; protected resources and habitat conservation operations; enforcement operations; and the scientific and technical aspects of NOAA’s living marine resources programs.  The Assistant Administrator shall develop and support a coordinated program of scientific research and development to implement programs, and shall be responsible for ensuring the overall quality and effectiveness of all products and services.  The Assistant Administrator shall also serve as a mission manager for designated major systems, with the overall responsibility to ensure that NMFS mission needs are analyzed and identified, that an overall NMFS systems architecture is developed, that requirements are defined, and that the context, justification, and budget needed to meet those requirements are developed and advanced.

.02         The Office of the Assistant Administrator shall manage NMFS and coordinate the living marine resources programs throughout NOAA to ensure the compatibility and effectiveness of all of NOAA’s living marine resources activities.  The Office shall:

a.           determine requirements and develop long-term plans for living marine resources programs;

b.           coordinate with and receive support from the Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management, including the assessment of the effects of hazardous spills, oil pollution, ocean dumping, and coastal zone development on living marine resources and the environment;

c.           monitor living marine resources environmental information and weather forecasting activities of the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) to ensure adequate coordination of efforts;

d.          coordinate the research programs in living marine resources with the research programs of National Ocean Service (NOS), Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), and the other Line Offices to avoid duplication of effort among NOAA research activities, and to ensure that results are used fully in planning collaborative programs and providing services;    

e.           perform the overall program management function for designated major systems, prepare statements of mission need, develop overall systems architecture and requirements, ensure that

operational requirements fulfill mission needs, develop program manager/system acquisition manager agreements and program plans, and monitor the development and oversee the implementation of new systems;

f.           enforce laws and regulations regarding the protection of fisheries, marine sanctuaries, marine mammals, endangered species, and all other NOAA laws and regulations;

g.           develop policies, guidelines, and procedures for coordination of product quality, safety and utilization research, aquaculture and disaster relief programs administered by the regional offices;

h.           administer the national seafood inspection and grading program made available to the seafood industry on a voluntary, fee-for-services basis;

i.            prepare U.S. standards for grades of fishery products and propose other domestic and international documents for use by industry and consumers;

j.            manage a national financial assistance program in the form of loan guarantees, a tax deferred capital construction fund, and vessel and gear loss and damage compensation programs; and

k.           administer the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program including oversight of associated Regional Office activities.

.03         The Office of Sustainable Fisheries provides advice and guidance on fishery management, international fisheries, fisheries utilization, and aquaculture.  The Office shall:

a.           develop national standards, policies, and operational guidelines for fishery management programs;

b.           develop management plans, amendments, regulations, and other actions associated with the management of the Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS), including the analysis of costs, benefits, and the effects, direct and indirect, of HMS management activities;

c.           coordinate planning and implementation of integrated HMS research and management activities; and coordinate the development and execution of the annual budget and spending plans for HMS;

d.          review and recommend action on fishery management plans and prepare implementing regulations, as necessary;

e.          develop policy and legislative initiatives and coordinate intergovernmental fisheries programs;

f.           process applications and issue fishing permits;

g.          coordinate all administrative support required by the Regional Fishery Management Councils;

h.           facilitate the conservation and management of trans boundary living marine resources through participation in the negotiation of international agreements and operations of international fora, and commissions; and provide and coordinate support for the U.S. commissioners and international commissions for living marine resources;

i.            develop policies, guidelines and procedures for coordination of seafood safety and aquaculture programs administered by the agency; and

j.            support the national seafood inspection and grading program made available to the seafood industry on a voluntary, fee-for-services basis.

.04         The Office of Protected Resources provides program oversight, national policy development, direction and guidance on the conservation of those marine mammals and endangered species and their habitats, under the jurisdiction of the Secretary; provides oversight, advice, and guidance on scientific aspects of managing protected species areas.  The Office shall:

a.           prepare and review regulations, and prepare other public notices for protected species; conduct public meetings and hearings; prepare and review plans for the recovery of protected species, issue permits, conduct informal consultations, issue and review biological opinions; provide advice to other federal agencies on the requirements of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act; assist the Law Enforcement Office in coordinating pertinent enforcement programs; develop and maintain data bases on protected species; maintain program oversight for the Pribilof Islands fur seal herd and provide technical support for international negotiations and the Marine Mammal Commission;

b.           coordinate research on protected species, their critical habitat and their ecology;

c.           develop, promote, and coordinate programs and activities to study, conserve, and manage biological diversity and ecosystem integrity; coordinate NMFS activities relating to the review of developments having an impact on the biodiversity of living marine resources and related policy; develop policy guidance, and provide staff support for obligations to the International Whaling Commission, Convention on Biodiversity, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, World Conservation Union, World Bank, and Large Marine Ecosystems, and Arctic activities; maintain liaison with other government departments and international representatives concerned with the biodiversity of marine resources; and prepare domestic legislation for the implementation of living marine resource agreements to ensure that biodiversity and ecosystem principles are included; and

d.          develop, coordinate, and represent policy on species management, conservation, and protection and biodiversity in trade fora, both domestic and international.

.05         The Office of Habitat Conservation actively promotes, influences, and enhances federal actions related to conserving, protecting, managing, mitigating damages, enhancing, and restoring habitats of NOAA trust resources.  The Office shall:

a.           provide leadership to the NMFS National Habitat Program by working with NMFS regional and headquarters offices and other NOAA elements to implement the National Habitat Plan;

b.           provide scientific information that forms the basis of technical comments on projects affecting riverine, estuarine, and marine habitats (mandated by the Clean Water Act, Federal Power Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, Magnuson Stevens Act, Energy Policy Act, etc.);

c.           develop policies and guidance documents related to priority threats and activities;

d.          contribute directly to special habitat restoration and management initiatives (Superfund, Oil Pollution Act, etc.);

e.           promote the integration of habitat programs into fishery management and protected species programs (Magnuson Stevens Act, Endangered Species Act, etc.);

f.           coordinate through the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, the effective use of NOAA resources for research, assessment, monitoring, and management activities in support of the Chesapeake Bay’s living marine resources;

g.           collaborate with other NOAA components, federal, state, local, or private entities, and other natural resource trustees on national habitat restoration efforts; and

h.           develop operational programs to restore NOAA trust resources including those required after successful settlement of national resource damage claims.

.06         The Office of Science and Technology advocates and ensures sound scientific bases for the NMFS science programs and resource conservation and management decisions.  The Office shall:

a.           oversee NMFS scientific research and technology development activities including biology, ecology, economic and social sciences, oceanography, information management of certain scientific information, engineering, and other disciplines used to fulfill its conservation and management mission for living marine resources;

b.           ensure the integrity of NMFS scientific activity and strive to maintain and improve its quality and credibility;

c.           serve as the primary interface between NMFS scientific activity and NOAA, other agencies, and international organizations;

d.          serve as the focal point within NMFS for the development and evaluation of science and technology strategies and policies, and the evaluation of NMFS performance of its conservation and management mission from a scientific perspective;

e.           provide scientific advice on operational conservation and management resource decisions;

f.           exercise leadership and management for activities related to the NMFS Science Board including coordination of scientific activities within NMFS;

g.           coordinate international scientific activities such as scientific bilateral agreements, participation in international scientific organizations, and monitoring of global trends in fisheries;

h.           administer the National Fisheries Statistics Program, including publication of the “Fisheries of the United States,” and management of the Scientific Publications Unit; and

i.            coordinate activities to obtain ship and aircraft operational support.

.07         The Office of Constituent Services provides advice and guidance on matters relating to constituent outreach, trade services, and recreational fisheries affairs.  The Office shall:

a.           develop and coordinate liaison activities with user groups including the NOAA Office of Communications; design, coordinate, and implement marketing programs for NMFS; and provide assistance to the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries in organizing briefings, meetings, conferences, and other special events with constituents;

b.           function as the principal fisheries contact for domestic and international commercial industry and trade issues; and

c.           develop policy and legislative initiatives and coordinate recreational fisheries programs.


.01         The Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management shall be responsible for integrated ocean services, coastal ocean, and coastal zone management programs and for directing the NOS.  The NOAA ocean services and coastal zone management programs shall provide ocean and coastal zone management services and information products to support national needs arising from increasing uses and opportunities of the oceans and estuaries.  The programs shall include services and products to support development and appropriate use of the oceans, and the management of marine and coastal resources; promote improvements in marine and coastal commerce; and improve safety of marine operations and coastal activities.  The Assistant Administrator shall develop and support a coordinated program of scientific research and development to implement programs, and shall be responsible for ensuring the overall quality and effectiveness of all products and services.  The Assistant Administrator shall also serve as a mission manager for designated major systems, with the overall responsibility to ensure that NOS mission needs are analyzed and identified, that an overall NOS systems architecture is developed, that requirements are defined, and that the context, justification, and budget needed to meet those requirements are developed and advanced.

.02         The Office of the Assistant Administrator shall manage the NOS and coordinate ocean services, coastal ocean science, and coastal zone management programs.  The Office shall:

a.           provide services, predictions and warnings, including maps, charts, and publications, to ensure safe use of U.S. marine waters and air space;

b.           carry out responsibilities in marine environmental quality research, development, and monitoring, including conducting national assessments of the use and health of marine resources;

c.           develop and manage programs in physical, biological, chemical, and geological oceanography required to provide ocean services, to assess the marine environment, and to establish a scientific information base on which to support development of national policies regarding the oceans and their uses;

d.          administer NOAA’s coastal zone management, coastal ocean, marine sanctuaries, estuarine research reserve, and related programs;

e.           serve as the focal point, with the appropriate support of other NOAA Line Offices, for participation in international oceanographic, hydrographic, and coastal management activities, including, in part, the international exchange of data, services, products, and forecasts; and coordination and cooperation with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the International Hydrographic Organization, and other bodies designated by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator;

f.           maintain cognizance of the programs and requirements of the NWS and the NESDIS to ensure that information and services provided meet their requirements, and to ensure adequate coordination of efforts;

g.           maintain liaison with the NMFS to ensure the coordination of ocean and coastal activities, resource management, and resource damage assessment and restoration;

h.           ensure research results conducted by OAR and NMFS are used fully in planning programs and providing services;

i.            coordinate with and receive ship and aircraft operational support from the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations;

j.            coordinate and integrate NOAA’s coastal ocean program and other assigned activities that are intra- or interagency in scope; and

k.           collect and distribute observations and predictions of water levels and currents to ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally sound maritime commerce.

.03         The Office of Coast Survey shall plan and direct programs to produce charts, and to collect and disseminate related hydrographic information to ensure safe and efficient navigation of the Nation’s waterways and territorial seas.  The Office shall:

a.           ensure coordinated planning and execution of hydrographic surveying and charting to meet national goals;

b.           manage the national database of nautical charting and marine mapping, and tide and current information; the aggregation of information from external sources for database maintenance; and the production and dissemination of nautical charting products and related oceanographic information; and

c.           develop mapping, charting, hydrographic surveying, and automated data processing techniques and systems for national modernization, to ensure safe and efficient marine navigation.

.04         The Office of the National Geodetic Survey shall plan and direct programs to provide state-of-the-art methods of precise positioning and advanced geodetic, photogrammetric, and remote sensing techniques to establish and maintain a consistent national coordinate system and to support mapping, charting, navigation, boundary determination, property delineation, infrastructure development, resource evaluation surveys, and scientific applications.  The Office shall:

a.           establish, preserve, and improve the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), which includes a horizontal datum, a vertical datum, a high resolution geoid model, and precise satellite orbits.  The NSRS meets users’ spatial control requirements through a hierarchy of permanently marked points and a network of Global Positioning System (GPS) Continuously Operating Reference Stations;

b.           exercise government-wide leadership in the research, development, and improvement of geodetic surveying standards, specifications, methods, instrumentation, and data transfer;

c.           survey the coastal zone and waterways, providing a vital service to the marine transportation industry, to coastal planners, and to the stewards of the coastal environment;

d.          survey selected airports, and provide additional specialized products to the Federal Aviation Administration and the airline industry, thereby helping to sustain the air transportation infrastructure;

e.           develop and manage geodetic and digital cartographic data products and implement new procedures for producing these data products through the National Geodetic Survey Data Base management system.  The Office compiles, publishes, and disseminates geodetic and photogrammetric data and technical publications; and

f.           manage GPS and classical ground and aerial field parties in support of its mission.  The Office provides technology transfer services to federal, state, and local government personnel, the private sector, and other nations through the state advisor program, cooperative survey programs, and special training activities.

.05         The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management shall administer the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended; Executive Order 13158, Marine Protected Areas (MPA); the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act of 1980, and the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Act of 1980.  The Office shall:

a.           direct the development, implementation, evaluation, and funding of state coastal zone management programs, national estuarine research reserves, and related activities under the Coastal Zone Management Act;

b.           manage the National Center for Marine Protected Areas and its field-based teams, conduct tasks identified by Executive Order 13158, and provide scientific, technical, and informational support for federal, state, and tribal MPA managers and stakeholders; and

c.           administer all programs and policies assigned to NOAA by the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act and the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Act.

.06         The Office of Response and Restoration shall be responsible for preventing and mitigating risks to coastal habitats and resources from oil and hazardous materials releases.  The Office shall:

a.           administer the Clean Water Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, and implement Executive Orders and regulations;

b.           provide scientific response and natural resource damage assessment related to oil and hazardous spills; and

c.           provide coastal resource managers with information and tools to support decision-making for site remediation, dredging, restoration, and other issues relating to coastal environmental contamination.

.07         The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science shall conduct research, provide data, information, and knowledge that affect quality of natural resources in the Nation’s coastal, estuarine, and oceanic areas.  The Centers shall:

a.           collect, synthesize, and distribute information on the use of coastal and ocean resources to identify compatibilities and conflicts, and to determine research needs and priorities;

b.           develop assessments of the effects of human activities and natural variability on the quality of the coastal ocean and its resources;

c.           assess environmental information to provide a basis for coordinated management of coastal ocean resources; and

d.          coordinate and integrate NOAA’s coastal ocean program and other assigned activities that are intra- or interagency in scope.

.08         The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries shall administer the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (formerly Title III of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972), as amended, and other authorities pertaining to designation and management of National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments.  The Office shall:

a.           designate and manage a national system of Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments established under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act, Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations, or other authorities;

b.           allow for uses compatible with the primary mandate of resource protection; and

c.           facilitate research and education opportunities about National Marine Sanctuaries and marine protected area management.

.09         The NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC) shall support the environmental, social, and economic well being of the coast by linking people, information, and technology.  The CSC shall develop the abilities of state and local coastal resource managers and planners to perform their duties by:

a.           facilitating a broad range of management assistance, including through state fellowship programs; serving as a resource for specialized training assessment, design, and delivery, and professional meeting planning and logistics; conducting needs assessments, evaluations, and customer surveys; and increasing communication and understanding between the CSC and its customers through trade publications and other means;

b.           improving coastal managers information assessment and decision-making capacities through the development and application of spatial data and technologies including geographic information systems, spatial data development, data integration, decision support system development, software application development, database programming, training, outreach, and technical support;

c.           identifying management issues for watersheds and examining how interrelationships among ecology, land use, demographics, and socioeconomic trends affect those issues, and helping managers include knowledge of ecosystem processes in management, regulatory, and land-use planning decisions;

d.          assisting managers in achieving compliance with Federal Geographic Data Committee standards and metadata requirements, and with enhanced access to coastal products, data, publications, tools, and information via the internet and CD-ROM technologies;

e.           providing managers with practical remote sensing data and information products including satellite, airborne, and in-situ sources, and to identify new or under-utilized remote sensing technologies; monitor and track coastal and ocean habitat geology and trends; develop research products supporting the monitoring of harmful algal blooms, coastal pollution, and eutrophication; and aid decisions in the coastal and marine environment; and

f.           analyzing and interpreting satellite and aircraft-derived imagery and creating imagery-derived products from national technical means resources.

.10         The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OP) shall plan, operate, and direct programs to collect and distribute observations, predictions, forecasts, and other operational products of water level, currents, and other oceanographic observations to ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally sound maritime commerce and coastal management.  The Center shall:

a.           ensure coordinated planning and execution of water level, current, and other oceanographic measurements to meet the national goals;

b.           manage and maintain the national database of tide, water level, and current information; the aggregation of information from external sources for a national coastal observing system; and production and dissemination of tide and current products and related oceanographic information; and

c.           develop new data collection, processing, and analyses techniques, and provide products and services to ensure safe, efficient, and environmental sound maritime commerce and coastal management.


.01         The Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research shall be responsible for directing OAR.  OAR shall plan, organize, manage, and conduct research and development to meet the needs of NOAA.  OAR will consist of laboratory and extramural research projects that are relevant to NOAA environmental information and resource management programs, and that will provide sound technological and scientific information or capabilities on which to base improvements in these services, products, or policies.  The Assistant Administrator shall also serve as a mission manager for designated major systems, with the overall responsibility to ensure OAR mission needs are analyzed and identified, an overall OAR systems architecture is developed, requirements are defined, and the context, justification, and budget needed to meet those requirements are developed and advanced.

.02         The Office of the Assistant Administrator, led by the Assistant Administrator with assistance from the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Programs and Administration (DAA PA) and the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes (DAA LCI) shall manage OAR’s special programs, the allocation and management of research facilities, and coordination of research programs throughout NOAA to ensure their compatibility and effectiveness.  The Office shall:

a.           plan and manage research to promote a better understanding of the atmospheric, coastal and oceanic, and geophysical processes;

b.           maintain cognizance of long-term goals and associated research and development needs of NWS, NOS, NMFS, and NESDIS, and ensure that research and development programs of OAR are designed to meet the requirements of these service components;

c.           review, in cooperation with the Deputy Assistant Administrators and the NOAA Research Council, research and development activities across NOAA and advise the Office of the Under Secretary on the need for, and efficacy of, NOAA’s research and technology development efforts;

d.          promote, in cooperation with the Deputy Assistant Administrators and the NOAA Research Council, the transfer of research results and new technology to others outside of NOAA, as well as represent NOAA in Department interagency groups on technology transfer and research and technology applications;

e.           coordinate, in cooperation with the Deputy Assistant Administrators and the NOAA Research Council, NOAA’s research, development, and special programs with the Office of Science and Technology Policy; the National Science and Technology Council; the National Science Foundation; the National Academy of Sciences; the National Academy of Engineering; universities; interagency groups; and national as well as international environmental programs such as the U.S. Weather Research Program, the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, the United Nations Environmental Program, the United Nations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, bilateral agreements with other nations, and others as the Office of the Under Secretary may assign;

f.           coordinate with and receive ship and aircraft operational support from the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations;

g.           perform the overall program management function for designated major systems, prepare statements of mission need, develop overall systems architecture and requirements, ensure operational requirements fulfill mission needs, develop program manager/system acquisition manager agreements and program plans, and monitor the development and oversee the implementation of new systems.  Develop systems analyses and systems engineering trade-off studies, in establishing funding profiles and program schedules, and in carrying out major systems acquisitions;

h.           administer and manage OAR programs, with special emphasis on programs on research, education, and advisory services through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements primarily with academic institutions.  These programs, including the National Sea Grant College Program, the Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the Climate Program, and the Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes, shall be supportive of NOAA’s missions in atmospheric, oceanic, and climatic services, in resource management and in environmental quality; and

i.            establish a communications staff office to develop and coordinate internal and external communications.

j.            The DAA LCI shall assist the Assistant Administrator in managing OAR programs, with special emphasis on conducting an integrated research and technology program, including theoretical and analytical studies, laboratory experiments, the collection of observations in the field by all appropriate techniques, and the development and evaluation of observing and information technology.  The DAA LCI shall:

1.           oversee the direction of all of the OAR laboratories, the Cooperative Institutes, and the Small Business Innovative Research program;

2.           conduct an integrated program on fundamental research, related technology development, and services to improve understanding and prediction of the geophysical environment comprising the oceans and inland waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, and Earth;

3.           provide oversight of all Cooperative Institute activities in OAR and establish policies and procedures for proposal development by Cooperative Institutes, as well as oversee the evaluation of funding requests submitted by Cooperative Institutes;

4.           facilitate communication among OAR, NOAA, and the laboratories and Cooperative Institutes, regarding OAR and NOAA planning activities, and serve where necessary as a single point of contact and advocate for the laboratories and Cooperative Institutes; and

5.           approve reimbursable agreements for the laboratories, develop laboratory reimbursable policies and procedures that support OAR’s and NOAA’s policy, and monitor compliance with that policy.

.03         The Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation shall assist the Assistant Administrator and the DAA PA in managing the planning and evaluation of research and development.  The Office shall:

a.           advance the development of high-level research plans and documents, working in close collaboration with internal OAR offices and other NOAA offices;

b.           oversee and execute an evaluation process to ensure the quality, relevance, and integrity of research in OAR;

c.           provide scientific, policy, and coordination support for the Assistant Administrator, the DAA PA, the NOAA Research Council, and the NOAA/OAR Senior Research Council;

d.          manage an integrated OAR strategy that supports NOAA’s effort to translate research outputs into information products and services, working in close collaboration with OAR laboratories and programs, other NOAA offices, and the external community; and

e.           coordinate OAR’s ship and aircraft requirements, and advise the Assistant Administrator regarding the allocation of available platform time in the context of NOAA’s mission.

.04         The Climate Program Office shall assist the Assistant Administrator and DAA PA in planning, implementation, and management of NOAA’s Climate Program and Goal Team while ensuring an effective and efficient transfer of research to operations.  The Office shall:

a.           work with the Climate Program managers and Line Offices to develop, implement, and evaluate the NOAA Climate Goal and Program;

b.           engage the external scientific community in the planning and implementation of the NOAA Climate Goal and Program;

c.           coordinate with other agencies in the joint implementation of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program;

d.          coordinate with other agencies and nations in the joint implementation of the global climate observing system;

e.           represent NOAA in interactions with the international scientific community in the implementation of climate variability and change research; and

f.           develop NOAA climate service programs throughout the organization through research and development, transition, oversight, and evaluation from research to operations, and provide research and operational climate products and services.

05.         The National Sea Grant College Program shall assist the Assistant Administrator and DAA PA in administering and managing OAR programs, with special emphasis on directing the implementation and administration of the provisions of the National Sea Grant College Program Act of 1966, as amended.  The National Sea Grant College Program shall accelerate national development and wise utilization of marine and Great Lakes resources through the sponsorship of programs that encompass research, training and education, and marine advisory/extension services.

06.         The Office of Ocean Exploration and Research shall assist the Assistant Administrator and DAA PA in managing OAR programs, with special emphasis on NOAA’s ocean exploration and undersea research programs in support of NOAA’s mandated ocean responsibilities. The Office funds and conducts ocean exploration and research through operational activities, competitive awards, and extramural partnerships.


.01         The Assistant Administrator for Weather Services shall be responsible for an integrated weather services program, and for directing the NWS.  The NOAA weather services program shall consist of monitoring and predicting the state of the atmospheric and hydrologic environment. The program shall include the delivery of a variety of climatic, hydrologic, and meteorological services to government, industry, and the general public, including the preparation and delivery of weather warnings and predictions, and the exchange of data products and forecasts with international organizations.  The Assistant Administrator shall develop and support a coordinated program of scientific research and development to implement programs, and shall be responsible for ensuring the overall quality and effectiveness of all products and services.  The Assistant Administrator shall also serve as a mission manager for designated major systems, with the overall responsibility to ensure NWS mission needs are analyzed and identified, an overall NWS systems architecture is developed, requirements are defined, and the context, justification, and budget needed to meet those requirements are developed and advanced.

.02         The Office of the Assistant Administrator shall manage NWS and coordinate NOAA programs directly related to weather warnings and forecasting to ensure the compatibility and effectiveness of weather services.  The Office shall:

a.           provide climate, water, and weather warnings, forecasts, and data products to government, industry, and the general public;

b.           serve as the NOAA focal point, with appropriate support of the offices of other NOAA Assistant Administrators, for participation in international climatological, hydrologic, and meteorological activities, including, in part, the international exchange of data, services, products, and forecasts; and coordination and cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization, the  International Civil Aviation Organization, and other bodies designated by the Office of the Under Secretary;

c.           provide weather service support to the general public in time of civil emergencies, the conduct of post-disaster assessments and the cooperation between NOAA and the Department of Defense in time of a declared national emergency;

d.          ensure a coordinated NOAA program of weather-related activities of NOS and NESDIS;

e.           ensure research results of the atmospheric and environmental research programs of OAR are used fully in planning programs and providing services; and

f.           perform the overall program management function for designated major systems, prepare statements of mission need, develop overall systems architecture and requirements, ensure operational requirements fulfill mission needs, develop program manager/system acquisition manager agreements and program plans, and monitor the development and oversee the implementation of new systems.  Develop systems analyses and systems engineering trade-off studies, in establishing funding profiles and program schedules, and in carrying out major systems acquisitions.

.03         The Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services (OCWWS) shall serve as the primary channel for coordination of NWS field services; for scientific aspects of atmospheric and oceanic programs, procedures, and requirements; and for administration of NWS training.  The Office shall:

a.           arrange for programs in climate, water, and weather services, including those that provide advance warnings of severe weather and climatological situations and those that are designed for specific users;

b.           conduct user surveys and policy reviews to determine the effectiveness of climatological, hydrologic, meteorological, and oceanographic service programs; inaugurate changes to these programs, and recommend basic changes in policies and programs when required;

c.           establish requirements and priorities for the observation, collection, processing, and dissemination of climatological, hydrologic, and meteorological information and forecasts, and for the education and training of NWS personnel in these sciences at the technical and professional levels;

d.          manage overall field hydrologic service operations, and coordinate functions supporting these activities;

e.           evaluate guidance and forecast products, and recommend action as required to improve efficiency and effectiveness of services; report to the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services on overall performance of the field offices and guidance centers;

f.           develop and teach performance-oriented courses, and administer correspondence, courses for meteorological technicians, meteorologists, hydrologists, and electronic technicians and other types of technical, administrative, management, and supervisory training specified by NWS and NOAA headquarters;

g.           identify requirements to the Office of Science and Technology and the Office of Hydrologic Development for research and development efforts needed to improve operations and operations support;

h.           participate with supporting activities in other parts of NOAA, especially the OAR’s Environmental Research Laboratories and NESDIS, as well as other governmental agencies, to ensure effective climatological, hydrologic, and meteorological services are available to the public;

i.            recommend policies and coordinate plans for U.S. participation in international activities regarding all federal and national climate, water, and weather programs, and establish and carry out cooperative programs with meteorological services of other nations; and

j.            maintain for the Office of Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, the National Hurricane Operations Plan, the National Severe Local Storms Plan, and the Winter Storm Operations Plan.

.04         The Office of Science and Technology shall conduct planning and design studies and analyses to ensure that the climatic, meteorological, and oceanographic systems requirements of NWS are met in the most cost-effective manner.  The Office shall:

a.           refine OCWWS requirements for systems and monitor the development of technical specifications and the design, development, testing, and implementation of new systems;

b.           evaluate state-of-the-art advances in the technological fields relevant to the systems and equipment programs of NWS, evaluate requirements for the development of new techniques or equipment, and arrange for or sponsor applied research and development to improve instruments and equipment, and diagnostic and prognostic climate and weather information to be issued by field offices;

c.           formulate plans and coordinate development activities to resolve operational problems through systems solutions that facilitate transition to advanced capabilities with minimum disruption of continuing service;

d.          give special emphasis to the development of improved methods for prediction of tornadoes and severe local storms; and

e.           direct other efforts for improving prediction techniques in the areas of marine, aviation, and agricultural weather.

.05         The Office of Hydrologic Development shall conduct planning and design studies and analyses to ensure hydrologic systems requirements of NWS are met in the most cost-effective manner.  The Office shall:

a.           refine OCWWS requirements for all hydrologic systems and monitor the development of technical specifications and the design, development, testing, and implementation of new systems;

b.           evaluate state-of-the-art advances in the technological fields relevant to the systems and equipment programs of the NWS, evaluate requirements for the development of new techniques or equipment, and arrange for or sponsor applied research and development to improve instruments and equipment, and diagnostic and prognostic hydrologic information to be issued by field offices;

c.           formulate plans and coordinate development activities to resolve operational problems through systems solutions that facilitate transition to advanced capabilities with minimum disruption of continuing service; and

d.          give special emphasis to the development of improved methods for prediction of floods and flash floods.

.06         The Office of Operational Systems shall manage, operate, and maintain systems for collection and dissemination of climatic, hydrologic, meteorological and oceanic data.  The Office shall:

a.           provide logistics services and develop plans, policies, and procedures for the operation, maintenance, and support of operational weather systems, including atmospheric sounding systems and weather radar systems;

b.           monitor, analyze, and evaluate the operational performance of weather systems;

c.           provide configuration management of operational weather systems and maintain software for operational weather and observing systems in the field;

d.          provide real-time direction, monitoring, and control of NWS weather systems;

e.           provide support, including systematic research, development, testing, and evaluation, for data buoy and associated automated meteorological systems to meet measurement needs for oceanic research programs and NOAA’s long-term operational needs in marine areas;

f.           provide evaluation testing and validation of modifications and enhancements to weather systems and system interfaces, field testing and validation of all major weather system improvements, and testing and evaluation of existing and new observational equipment, and procedures;

g.           develop procurement, installation, and national maintenance standards, procedures, and specifications for operational systems and equipment, and provide for integrated logistics support of operational weather systems;

h.           provide for the reconditioning, acceptance, testing, and inspection of equipment; and

i.            manage the NOAA Weather Radio program and provide oversight of the NWS facilities construction program.

.07         The National Centers for Environmental Prediction shall determine data requirements, optimum data processing techniques, and suitable presentation methods for predictions and products distributed to users of climatic, hydrologic, meteorological, space weather, and oceanographic information.  The Centers shall:

a.           produce these products for distribution to field forecast offices of NWS, Air Force, Navy, Federal Aviation Administration, and other government and non-government users;

b.           produce for distribution to foreign meteorological centers products required of the World Weather Center;

c.           produce extended and medium range forecasts and guidance, and develop methods and techniques for their improvement;

d.          analyze and project short-term climate fluctuations on a regional and worldwide basis;

e.           identify significant climate anomalies and provide current information on them to users coping with associated climate problems, such as energy, food supply, water resources, and health;

f.           maintain a continuous weather watch for thunderstorm activity, and prepare and disseminate severe local storm watches for protection of life and property;

g.           maintain a continuous weather watch in order to prepare and disseminate advisories of hazardous weather for aviation interests;

h.           develop and produce oceanographic products and guidance;

i.            provide weather support for special aerospace and satellite operations;

j.            maintain a continuous weather watch for tropical cyclones on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico; and prepare hurricane watches and warnings for the general public, and hurricane advisories for other marine, aviation, and military uses;

k.           perform research and development to improve its climatic, hydrologic, meteorological, space weather, and oceanographic products; and

l.            develop plans and provide direction for improving products, and advise the Assistant Administrator of new capabilities resulting from new techniques or procedures.

.08         The Regional Offices shall conduct the technical and service programs for their respective regions in accordance with NOAA and NWS policies.  The Offices shall:

a.           manage operational and scientific climatological, hydrologic, meteorological and oceanic programs of the region;

b.           conduct programs to review and upgrade the scientific programs and procedures at field offices; and

c.           monitor these services and adjust resources to provide the most effective services possible.


.01         The Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services shall be responsible for NOAA's environmental satellite, data and information management programs and to direct NESDIS.  These programs provide the data, information, and services needed to support environmental studies and predictions, resource assessments, data archiving and dissemination, and satellite sensor and technology development.  The programs include management services to develop and operate civilian satellite systems for observing land, ocean, atmospheric, and solar conditions required by governments, commerce, and the general public, and to support commercial space services.  The Assistant Administrator shall develop and support a coordinated program of scientific research and development to implement programs, and shall be responsible for ensuring the overall quality and effectiveness of all products and services.

.02         The Office of the Assistant Administrator shall manage NESDIS and ensure relevance and effectiveness of these services.  The NESDIS office shall:

a.           manage NOAA environmental satellites, support operations, and data delivery;

b.           conduct research and development for future environmental satellite systems and improve products from current systems;

c.           in cooperation with other Assistant Administrators and Staff Office Directors, develop an overall systems architecture for the hardware, software, networking, and connectivity required to support NOAA's data and information programs and link them to other agencies and international needs;

d.          develop and manage a NOAA-wide data and information management program that builds on the activities of NOAA Line and Staff Offices, and has strong links to other agencies and international units;

e.           coordinate the development and implementation of new data management systems and a system for the maintenance by the data centers of a data management plan;

f.           operate environmental service centers in which climatological, oceanographic, and geophysical data and information are collected, processed, stored, analyzed, applied, and disseminated to the public and specialized users;

g.           assemble and disseminate NOAA information on the variability of the environment as it affects such natural resources as agriculture, energy, and environmental quality;

h.           provide information services which include documentation, publications, and library activities of NOAA to facilitate the dissemination of scientific and technical information;

i.            encourage international cooperation and participation in NOAA's environmental satellite, data, and information programs;

j.            maintain cognizance of the programs and requirements of the NOS, the NWS, the NMFS, and the OAR to ensure that the satellite information provided meets their requirements;

k.           coordinate research and development activities with the OAR to ensure compatibility with the overall NOAA research and development programs;

l.            conduct research and development in information technology to improve environmental data storage, retrieval, and dissemination;

m.          coordinate research and development activities, and operational satellite and information services support with other federal agencies for maximum effectiveness and participation in national efforts;

n.           perform the overall program management function for designated major systems, prepare statements of mission needs, develop overall systems architecture and requirements, ensure operational requirements fulfill mission needs, develop program manager/system acquisition manager agreements and program plans, and monitor the development and oversee the implementation of new systems.  Develop systems analyses and systems engineering trade-off studies, in establishing funding profiles and program schedules, and in carrying out major systems acquisitions;

o.           implement the licensing of private remote sensing space systems; and

p.           provide support for commercial space-related policy issues, programs, and initiatives within NOAA and the Department of Commerce.

.03         The Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) shall manage and direct NOAA’s 24 hour per day/7 day per week environmental satellite operations, the distribution of environmental data and derived products to domestic and foreign users, and associated services.  The OSPO shall:

a.           manage and operate Command and Data Acquisition facilities and information processing systems to command and track environmental satellites and ingest data;

b.           manage and operate information processing systems to control environmental satellites and generate and distribute products and services to meet user requirements;

c.           manage and disseminate automated environmental products and interpretive analyses from polar orbiting and geostationary satellites;

d.          evaluate the effectiveness of the operational facilities and systems in terms of the quality, quantity, coverage, and timeliness of the data acquired;

e.           evaluate the technical performance of the satellites and derived products and services;

f.           support the launch, activation, and evaluation of new satellites and associated products and services, conduct in-depth assessments of and prepare procedures for responding to satellite and ground system anomalies;

g.           work with the Office of Systems Development, the Center for Satellite Applications and Research, and satellite acquisition programs in planning and developing new satellites, ground systems, supporting the transition of research products to operations, and major modifications of existing systems;

h.           identify and provide data with appropriate documentation for secondary users of satellite data and for long-term archive;

i.            provide outreach, user education and customer service activities for environmental satellite data products and broadcast services;

j.            coordinate with the United States Space Command, DOD, on matters having to do with the day-to-day state of readiness of NOAA's satellites to support the national defense;

k.           provide planning, management, and coordination with the NWS, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and other users for exchange of environmental satellite data;

l.            provide the planning, management, and coordination for NOAA's Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (SARSAT) system, and coordinate participation in the International Cospas-Sarsat Program; and

m.          manage the strategic and tactical environmental and oceanographic ice services at the National Ice Center for the operational requirements of U.S. national interests and the United States government agencies.

.04         The Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) shall conduct an integrated program of research and technology development in the application of satellite data systems, products, and services to support operational requirements of NOAA.  The STAR shall:

a.           provide supporting science for space-based instrumentation, raw observations, derived data, products, and applications that are critical for NOAA's national and international programs, including calibration/validation methodologies and algorithm development;

b.           coordinate NESDIS' Earth sciences and satellite experiments;

c.           assess the requirements and goals of NESDIS research and applications programs, evaluate their progress, and ensure their coordination with and support of the activities of the other NOAA Line Offices, programs and supporting organizations;

d.          provide expert service to other NESDIS offices regarding current and future sensor and mission planning and development, instrument problems, or systems hardware components;

e.           represent NESDIS in coordinating with appropriate NOAA elements or other U.S. Government agencies in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of NOAA and non-NOAA operational and research satellite observations, data, and products that result from research activities;

f.           represent NESDIS in coordinating research activities of mutual interest across NOAA, other Government agencies, foreign laboratories and international organizations;

g.           provide advice regarding interactions among the centers and offices of NESDIS, and among the major NOAA elements regarding broad scale scientific projects;

h.           interact with the academic community through NOAA/university cooperative institutes and science centers to provide mechanisms for research collaboration in scientific areas of mutual interest;

i.            ensure accurate and rapid transition of science to operations and support observing system performance through close cooperation between STAR and operations;

j.            develop training materials and programs in the science and application of environmental satellite instruments, data, and products;

k.           accelerate and improve the quantitative use and assimilation of research and operational satellite data in weather, ocean, climate, and environmental analysis and prediction systems; support the activities of the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, and

l.            leverage satellite research across satellite programs (domestic, research or international) to provide integrated applications that consistently improve the use of new domain knowledge, reduce application maintenance, and increase the economic value of merged, blended, assimilated or other product or calibration/validation activities.

.05         The Office of Systems Development (OSD) shall collect and document user requirements; conduct concept definition studies, provide overall systems planning; manage space segment acquisition and perform conceptual and detailed engineering required to develop, acquire, and implement new or modified satellite systems; develop, acquire, and implement ground segment; and coordinate the use of radio frequencies for the Department.  The OSD shall:

a.           direct definition, development, acquisition, and implementation of major system elements and the integration, installation, and acceptance of NOAA civil operational remote sensing satellite and data management systems;

b.           perform system concept and design and formulation studies;

c.           identify, characterize, document, verify, and validate environmental satellite observation requirements for translation into specifications for systems modification and development as required;

d.          coordinate technical efforts of other NESDIS offices, other NOAA components, other agencies, and industrial and other groups;

e.           facilitate technology infusion into operational programs;

f.           establish system objectives; interface standards; and performance, engineering, and cost criteria;

g.           define and evaluate potential concepts to meet documented and validated environmental satellite observation requirements and continue evaluation of on-going programs;

h.           foster and maintain interagency partnerships to leverage technology development efforts;

i.            lead the development and implementation of new ground systems to accommodate spacecraft modifications, operational improvements, and new user requirements; and

j.            coordinate the development of NOAA-wide observing and data management system portfolios.

.06         The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) shall develop and maintain a national climatological data base generated by domestic and foreign activities.  The NCDC shall:

a.           perform all data management functions regarding data acquisition, archiving, retrieval, indexing, quality assessments, evaluations, synthesis, dissemination, and publication of data from global and national observation networks that have enduring value to the Nation and are sufficient to describe the climate;

b.           provide state of the climate assessments related to trends and variations of weather and climate events;

c.           develop, operate, and maintain reference climate networks necessary to monitor and track changes in essential climate variables;

d.          as a designated Federal Agency Records Center, operate the center for NOAA for processing, storage, and servicing of retrospective meteorological records;

e.           prepare and provide special products and services to users, as required, as a basis for regulatory standards and policy decisions;

f.           maintain national and global data bases for analysis of long-term climate trends and for monitoring global change;

g.           collect, document and make accessible key terrestrial and oceanic paleoclimatic variables required to understand natural climate variability and change;

h.           provide facilities, data processing support, data exchange, and expertise, as requested, to meet U.S. commitments to foreign nations, international organizations and to the World Meteorological Organization's programs;

i.            assist in training programs to familiarize the representatives of developing countries with modern meteorological technologies, climate data management, and applications;

j.            operate World Data Center-A for Meteorology, Asheville, and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology under auspices of the National Academy of Sciences;

k.           provide liaison with state, regional, and federal agencies to coordinate national climate program activities;

l.            provide data management services, as requested, for various climatological research programs; and

m.          develop new processing systems to exploit the potential of new automated observational networks;

n.           ensure readiness of Continuity of Operations Center Site C for NOAA;

o.           transform sensor data records into climate data records and climate information records for analysis of climate changes and variations;

p.           communicate climate data records and information to a broad user community in a timely and authoritative manner.

.07         The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) shall develop and maintain a national marine environmental data base generated by domestic and foreign activities.  The NODC shall:

a.           perform all data management functions regarding data acquisition, archiving, retrieval, indexing, quality assessments, evaluation, synthesis, dissemination, and publication of data from global and National marine/ocean observing systems to facilitate sustained economic growth, scientifically sound environmental management, and public safety to the Nation and international community;

b.           provide state of the ocean climate assessments related to trends and variations in physical, biological, and chemical conditions;

c.           provide products and information derived from this data to the federal, state, academic, and international marine scientific community;

d.          perform data-related studies to enhance the usefulness of the services to the user;

e.           operate the World Data Center-A for Oceanography, Silver Spring; provide expertise as necessary for Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission programs; represent the United States in various international organizations as delegated; coordinate and support universal exchange and access of oceanographic data;

f.           provide data stewardship services, as requested, for various marine programs; maintain global and national data bases for analysis of long-term ocean climate trends for monitoring global change;

g.           lead the Regional Ecosystem Data Management effort and the establishment of Regional Ecosystem Data Assembly Portals that provide access to data and information through the cataloging, formatting, archiving, and dissemination of the data streams in collaboration with federal and state agencies, regional observing system associations, academic researchers, and non-governmental organizations;

h.           coordinate with other NESDIS data centers and with data centers outside of NOAA in areas of related scientific and technical concern; and

i.            provide library and information services to NOAA personnel and the general public.

.08         The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) shall develop and maintain a national geophysical data base generated by domestic and foreign activities.  The NGDC shall:

a.           perform all functions regarding data acquisition, archiving, retrieval, indexing, quality assessments, evaluation, synthesis, dissemination, stewardship, and publication;

b.           prepare data products and perform data-related research studies to enhance the usefulness of the services to the designated user communities;

c.           operate World Data Center for Solar Terrestrial Physics, Boulder and the World Data Center for Geophysics and Marine Geology under auspices of the National Academy of Sciences; provide expertise as necessary for intergovernmental and non-governmental scientific programs; represent the United States in various international organizations as delegated; coordinate international exchange of geophysical data;

d.          perform liaison with other NOAA elements and with national and foreign contributors and users of data and information about data;

e.           coordinate with other NESDIS data centers and with data centers outside of NOAA in areas of related scientific and technical concern; and

f.           operate a worldwide digital data bank of oceanic soundings, performing quality assurance and providing access to data supporting world-wide marine navigation and other purposes, on behalf of the Member Countries of the International Hydrographic Organization.

.09         The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) Program Office shall acquire the GOES-R satellite system with an integrated staff of NOAA and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) personnel.  The GOES-R Program Office shall:

a.           conduct requirements definition studies; provide systems planning; perform conceptual and detailed engineering; manage the acquisition of major system elements for the GOES-R satellite system;

b.           coordinate the integration, installation, and acceptance of the GOES-R satellite system;

c.           administer a comprehensive requirements identification and analysis process and translate requirements for data, products and services into specifications for system development and modification;

d.          establish system objectives; performance, engineering, and cost criteria; and interface standards and provides engineering and technical consultation regarding system capability, development, implementation and deployment;

e.           perform end-to-end system design studies, procures, installs and accepts GOES-R satellites; and

f.           develops budget requests, justification and procurement documentation; manages program funds; and provides oversight to the systems acquisition process.

.10         The Office of Space Commercialization shall be the principal unit for space commerce policy activities within NOAA and the Department.  The Office shall:

a.           coordinate space commerce policy issues and actions within NOAA and the Department;

b.           represent the Department in the development of U.S. policies and in negotiations with foreign countries to promote U.S. space commerce;

c.           assist commercial space companies in their efforts to do business with the U.S. Government, and act as industry’s advocate within the Executive Branch to ensure the Government meets its space-related requirements, to the maximum practical extent, with commercially available space goods and services, consistent with national security;

d.          work to ensure the U.S. Government does not engage in space-related activities that preclude, deter, or compete with U.S. commercial space activities unless required by national security or public safety;

e.           promote and coordinate increased U.S. private sector participation in the design and development of U.S. Government space systems and infrastructures, and encourage U.S. Government agencies to make space activities, technology, and infrastructure available for private use to the maximum practical extent;

f.           seek the removal of legal, policy, and institutional impediments to space commerce;

g.           collect, analyze, and disseminate information on space markets, and conduct workshops and seminars to increase awareness of opportunities to promote private sector investment in U.S. space commerce; and

h.           implement the Department’s responsibilities to support the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Executive Committee and its Coordination Office.

11.         The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program Office shall acquire the JPSS satellite system with an integrated staff of NOAA and NASA personnel.  The JPSS shall:

a.           develop and acquire NOAA’s polar-orbiting operational environmental satellite system to satisfy civil requirements for remotely sensed meteorological, oceanographic, climatic and space environmental data;

b.           provide the overall direction of the program and its elements, to achieve program objectives and for the financial, contractual, programmatic, technical and performance metrics of the program;

c.           direct management functions, centrally control the distribution of resources throughout the program, execute contracts, and ensure effective overall program level system engineering, integration, and program control;

d.          direct research, development, and systems engineering activities needed to support the mission of JPSS and determine the potential impact upon system resources of accommodating new technologies;

e.           ensure JPSS supports full, open, and timely sharing of environmental data consistent with national policy;

f.           develop the program's management plan, operations concept, and the acquisition program baseline;

g.           develop budget justification and procurement documentation; manage the execution of program funds.


The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) shall develop plans and administer the use, operation, maintenance, and upgrade of NOAA ships, aircraft, small craft, and associated equipment and facilities in support of NOAA’s programs and other activities, and shall administer the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps.  The Director of OMAO shall be the Director of the NOAA Commissioned Corps.  The Office shall:

a.           administer the operation of ships, field parties and other entities under Marine Operations Center jurisdiction for acquiring and processing oceanographic, hydrographic, photogrammetric, fisheries, and other data required by the National Ocean Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, and other NOAA and non-NOAA elements;

b.           administer the operation of aircraft for acquiring data in support of NOAA’s programs and other activities;

c.           conduct fleet and aircraft operations in accordance with the decisions of the NOAA Fleet and Aircraft Allocation Councils, and, insofar as is practical, coordinate NOAA’s fleet and aircraft operations with those of non-NOAA operators;

d.          coordinate chartering of non-NOAA vessels and aircraft;

e.           perform the overall program management function for designated major systems, prepare statements of mission need, develop overall systems architecture and requirements, ensure operational requirements fulfill mission needs, develop program manager/system acquisition manager agreements and program plans, and monitor the development and oversee the implementation of new systems;

f.           administer the NOAA operational diving program, establish policies and procedures to ensure a safe and efficient diving program to support NOAA’s program needs, and coordinate with non-NOAA agencies engaged in diving programs;

g.           administer NOAA’s Small Boat Safety Program, establish policies and procedures to ensure a safe small boat program to support NOAA’s program needs, identify applicable regulations, provide operator training, staffing guidance, and marine engineering assistance on boat alterations, boat design and selection criteria;

h.           provide direction for labor relations activities, medical affairs, training, safety, and other personnel matters unique to commissioned officers and vessel employees assigned to the fleet and the aircraft;

i.            develop and implement policies and procedures for the recruitment, commissioning, training, assignment, promotion, separation, and retirement of commissioned officers;

j.            administer the pay, allowances, health care, and survivor benefits programs for active duty and retired officers, dependents, and annuitants; and

k.           represent NOAA in interdepartmental activities affecting the uniformed services and other activities of mutual interest.


This revision supersedes Department Organization Order 25-5, dated June 13, 2012.

 Signed by: Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Approved by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration